1989, History and other events

Before the end of 1988 the decision was made to do The Pirates of Penzance as the Gilbert and Sullivan production for 1990, with Graham as Director. For Easter the choice was Maunder's Olivet to Calvary, to be performed on Palm Sunday. DVS donated $3300 to charity, $12,300 so far.

Following the success of the breakup party and concert at Eltham College further similar social evenings were planned, including a House Concert at Nancy's early in March where anyone who wished to could get up and make fools of themselves - and did! Nancy made a pretty impressive trout, appropriate movements and all.

Because of concerns in the past with choreography and acting, a new idea this year was to hold "Dance and Drama" classes prior to serious work on the Gilbert and Sullivan production. The response was overwhelming, and this activity proved to be an important feature of the Diamond Valley Singers program for some years. Classes were lead by the "experts" in these fields. Graham was not highly involved in all this because he was busy playing the role of Morales in Carmen for Lyric Opera, while Allan Luke was also "moonlighting" with Babirra Players as Leonard Merryl in The Yeomen of the Guard. It was becoming increasingly difficult to jealously hoard the talents of our members.

Graham contrived to disappear to America in the middle of rehearsals to compete in the World Veteran Athletics Championships, but Michael Knuckey, as assistant, ably held the fort.

Planning for the remainder of 1989 and for 1990 was well under way by October, with no major work scheduled for before Christmas.

Participation in the Eltham Festival was again on the agenda, the performance this time being at the Panton Hill Bowl. It was a picturesque venue but, perhaps because of its relative remoteness, the audience was disappointingly small. The program consisted of excerpts from Oklahoma!, with Graham as Curly and Jenni Williams as Lawrey, with Jo Bourke, Fiona Wake, Harry Collins, Dianne Richter, Mavis Ford and David Manzoney performing other roles and solos. The orchestra played works by Haydn and Pachelbel and accompanied Diamond Valley Singers and the Diamond Valley Choral Society in Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring. Items from a Slovenian choir completed the program.

Further plans for the end of the year included a concert at Greensborough Baptist Church, organised by the Diamond Valley Concert Band, with the Diamond Valley Singers presenting two segments of excerpts - one from Oklahoma! and one from The Pirates of Penzance. A P.S.A. was also suggested, the program consisting of the same items from the Eltham Festival and some choruses from The Seasons, which was the choral work for Easter 1990, and for which rehearsals had begun almost immediately after Pirates ended.

In addition a group of soloists had been invited to provide a concert for the Warracknabeal Music club in November. Graham promised a wild weekend for any volunteers, so a few brave ones took the plunge - Graham, Dianne, Judith O'Shea and David Manzoney. A small group also performed at the Diamond Creek Carol Service.

The Annual General Meeting was held at the Reichenbach home, with the business meeting preceding the showing of the video of Pirates over supper. The newly elected committee consisted of Graham (President), Dianne (Secretary), Merrill Hogan (Treasurer) with Michael Knuckey, Nancy Cornwallis and Brent Reichenbach filling the remaining positions.

On the social scene, an informal concert, followed by supper, was held at Peter and Nancy Cornwallis's early in December.

After Christmas a committee meeting was held to decide on the productions for 1990. Unfortunately, Nancy had resigned, so Judith was coopted onto the committee. The decision was taken, at Ian Lowe's suggestion, to perform the first two parts (Spring and Summer) of The Seasons in May and to pick up the rest in 1991. As far as the Gilbert and Sullivan was concerned the choice, after the viewing of various videos was Princess Ida, although the concern was expressed about the large number of male roles to fill and about the large amount of dialogue - in blank verse.

In view of the latter concern, Ruth Richter, with her skills in drama was asked to be assistant director. Later she became co-director with Graham who found much of his time taken up with his lead baritone role of Barnaba in La Gioconda with Lyric Opera to be performed in June. Allan Luke was to play a small role in this and Judith sang in the chorus.

Ruth, Dianne's sister-in-law, and a qualified drama teacher, brought to the group an insight into the dramatic potential in Gilbert and Sullivan and the new interpretations which could be placed on often familiar material.

HistorySteve Wilkie1989