1988, History and other events

The Messiah was followed by a less popular G&S musical, Ruddigore. It as during 1988 that we became incorporated under the name 'Diamond Valley Singers'. We donated $3000 to charity, $9000 up to now.

During Ruddigore rehearsals the process of incorporation was progressing with Rod Gorfine, public officer, and a committee of John Tacey and Chris Livingstone. A draft constitution was drawn up.

One important suggestion was that the group's name ought to reflect its location, so a change of name to the Diamond Valley Singers was proposed and accepted at a special general meeting. Other aspects such as accounting procedures and structure of the executive would be dealt with in due course. A further general meeting was held to present the final draft of the constitution, which was passed unanimously. We were formally in business.

Members of the group were active in other musical areas, and a number of young hopefuls trekked to Bendigo for the annual eisteddfod. A friend of Judith's went along to accompany them, and ended up taking over from the official accompanist! Robyn Ford, Emilie Johnson, Marilyn Billing and Judith O'Shea all won awards and Chris Livingstone brought the house down with his ab lib - "I think the policeman forgot his lines".

Social activities were also becoming a part of the life of the Diamond Valley Singers and a most successful progressive dinner was held mid-June, with soup at Marilyn's, main course at Nancy's and sweets at Brent's.

If people were expecting a rest after the tremendous effort put into Ruddigore they were mistaken. After only a month singers were plunged into participation in the Greensborough Festival with solos on the stage in the main street followed by a choral concert at All Saints Anglican Church. Items included extracts from Ruddigore, plus the Hallelujah Chorus with massed choirs.

Mid-October brought the Annual General Meeting at Marilyn's, at which it was decided to continue with Gilbert and Sullivan operas, particularly as alternatives usually involved paying performance rights. Graham was again elected President, with Dianne as Secretary, Nancy as Treasurer and Chris Livingstone, Michael Knuckey and Judith O'Shea the remaining committee members.

Other musical activities for the year included participation in the Eltham Festival in November (choruses from Messiah) and an in-house concert of solos. This was held at Eltham College with members of the orchestra and was followed by a family barbecue tea. This was a great way of combining musical and social activities. There was also the usual involvement in the Diamond Creek Carol Service.

Then the group was paid the compliment of being invited to join the massed choir for the Carols by Candlelight at the Myer Music Bowl. In fact ours was to be the largest group involved. There was quite a lot of new music to be learned in a very short space of time. After a marathon rehearsal the previous night - starting on the dot of six o'clock and finished on the dot of twelve - the singers arrived full of enthusiasm for the big night, though the rain put a bit of a damper on things. Nevertheless the evening went remarkably well, and those at home got a real kick at seeing friends and spouses on the big screen.

HistorySteve Wilkie1988